Discover the innumerable uses of limestone
Most of us know that limestone is used in flooring and in making kitchen countertops. But this amazing stone has innumerable uses.
The calcium carbonate is added to the land for nurturing agricultural farms and for improving the fertility of the soil. It balances acidity in the soil and helps improve crop yields.
Limestone helps in purifying sulphur emissions that are released from the power stations and plays an important role in conservation of the environment. Limestone has got many unique properties that accounts to its widespread usage.
Limestone is used as a source of calcium in food additives and supplements.
It is used as a paint additive and is used in the production of paper white.
Limestone is used for removing impurities from molten iron, as well as for purifying sugar.
Calcium carbonate is bought to use in the production of wools, dyes, medicinal antacids, brake pads, cement, plastic, rubber, adhesives, sealants, and various household products.
Limestone is used extensively in the construction of counter tops and in flooring due to its beautiful appearance and durability. If you have limestone tiles or flooring in your home, hire professionals to retain its original shine and beauty.